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The article deals with urbanization in of the main quadrangle of Tanais after its defeat at the end of the 1st century BC by the Bosporan king Polemo. During the study of the site by the Lower Don Archaeological Mission of IA RAS (since 2012, the Archaeological Mission «Archaeological Museum-Reserve «Tanais») a number of objects functioned in the 1st century – the fi rst half of the 2nd century AD was revealed on the territory of the citadel. Their analysis allows us draw a conclusion regarding the basic principles of building and planning of the city in the fi rst centuries AD. Open complexes are represented by several groups: fortifi cations, residential and farm buildings, public buildings. Analyzing their location within the main quadrangle of the settlement, the functions of different parts of the city can be distinguished. There was the location of one of the main lines of the Tanais fortifi cations in the western area. As a result, there were often renewed buildings and redeveloped areas. The investigated areas of the central and eastern parts of the citadel occupied residential and household buildings. The construction work was minimal, covering only the internal structure of the estates. The southern part of the city is the social and economic center of Tanais. At the site studied during the work, great attention was paid to the southern city gates, as well as to the renewal of the square located next to them. While carrying out the construction work on the restoration of the fortifi cation line of the main quadrangle of the settlement in the late 1st to the early 2nd century AD, the general principles of building up the city are preserved.


Tanais, post-Polemo period, construction, fortifi cation, urbanization.

Nadezhda N. Presnova

Institute of Archaeology RAS, Moscow, Russia

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