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The article deals with the building 13. It was built in the fi rst century AD, during the restoration of Tanais after its defeat by the Bosporan king Polemo, “because it would not obey him”. The Lower Don Archaeological Mission of RAS carried out its investigation during 2003 and 2006 fi eld seasons. The building 13 located in the southern part of the city citadel (the trench XIX), near the southern gate. Because of works, the cellar was open and investigated. This cellar was cut down in a continental rock. Superstructures of the building has not been preserved. As well as many other objects of this time, the building 13 was destroyed. Local residents fi lled the cellar during the destruction of the town in the fi rst half of the second century AD. The majority of the fi ndings in the cellar’s fi lling are fragments of narrow necked light clay amphorae produced in Heraclea, pseudo-Koan amphorae with double-barreled handles, amphorae produced in Colchis and fragments of hand-made and pottery vessels made by grey clay. These fi ndings dated by the 1st – the fi rst half of the 2nd century AD. A sestertius of Sauromates I (93–123 AD) provides the lower date of the ground over the building. The coin was found in the upper level of the cellar’s fi lling. According to V. Anokhin, such coins were issued at the end of the reign of Trajan in 113–115 AD.

The study of such buildings helps to reconstruct the history of the city at post-Polemo period. This research indicates the following of the planning principles of the previous period during the first to early second centuries AD.


Archaeology, Tanais, site of ancient town, amphora, building, cellar, ceramics.

Sergey M. Ilyashenko. Archaeological Museum-Reserve “Tanais”, Nedvigovka, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Nadezhda N. Presnova. Institute of Archeology, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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