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The Median tribes and the Media are mentioned in sources from the last third of the 9th century BC. At the end of 7th – the beginning of the 6th century BC a vast Median empire developed that promoted the spread of the Median language belonging to the northwestern group of Iranian languages. Finally, the Median language, apparently, formed in the Media-Atropatene. Written monuments in the Median language were not found. Separate Median words – mainly proper names, tribal names and toponyms have been preserved in Assyrian, Babylonian and Greek sources, as well as in Old Persian inscriptions. Middle Median (Atropatene) language did not disappear with the inclusion of Atropatene (Adurbadagan) in the Sassanian state, and then the Arab Caliphate. Arabic authors of 9th–12th centuries inform about the language Āδarī (Azeri) spread on the territory of Southern Azerbaijan. A lexical-etymological and grammatical analysis of the surviving Azeri material indicates that it belongs to the northwestern group of Iranian languages. The Azeri language has survived to the present day in the form of relict northwestern Iranian dialects – Harzani, Khalkhali, Karingani, etc. The article proposes a conditional periodization of the Median language 1. Old Median language epoch – from the last third of the 9th century BC to the 320s BC; 2. Middle Median (Atropatene) language epoch – from the 320s BC to the 12th century AD; 3. New Median language epoch – from the 12th century until nowadays. The following are some of the etymologies of the Old Median names that are clearly marked in the multilingual and multi-temporal sources as Medians.


Media, Atropatene, Adurbadagan, Median language, Āδarī (Azeri) language, Old Median onomastic

Rauf S. Melikov. National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Research Center of «Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia», Baku, Azerbaijan, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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