The paper is a publication of a female burial in the tomb No. 1119 in the Ust-Alma necropolis, which is located on the coast of the Southwestern Crimea, at the mouth of the Alma River, close to the Late Scythian town of the same name. The presence of a large number of gold items leaves no doubt that the deceased had a high social status during her life. The burial is specifi c interest because of the absence of certain goods, which are characteristic for women’s graves of the Ust-Alma necropolis. For example, there was no mirror or casket in this woman grave. Among other goods, it is somewhat surprising that there are no brooches, bracelets, rings and amulets. Perhaps this is also evidence for the early date of burial. Thus, the set of personal jewelry items and funeral offerings gives reason to believe that a representative of the social elite has been buried in uncovered grave, and the grave goods allows one to date the burial by the fi rst half to the mid-1st century AD.
Southwestern Crimea, Late Scythian culture of the Crimea, social elite
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