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During the study of monuments of the Amur-Ussuri province of rock art, modern methods of contactless documentation of petroglyphs and their landscape and cultural context were applied. Digital photography was used (including aerial photography with UAV), laser scanning and methods of satellite geodesy. Computerized processing of the collected data generates detailed three-dimensional models of individual boulders and surfaces with petroglyphs, as well as models of areas of their distribution in the river fl oodplains and on rocky cliffs. Advantages and limitations of various methods of contactless documentation were studied, sets of documentation tools were optimized for the reproduction of bas-relief images located on surfaces of complex geometry, for accurate positioning of petroglyphs on rock cliffs and for mapping the location of stones in river fl oodplains. The characteristics of the equipment necessary for effi cient aerial and terrestrial photography and laser scanning were defi ned. Methods for improving the detail and completeness of the collected data had been determined. The application of mathematical algorithms to visualize the relief of the surface of the stone made it possible to perform a three-dimensional drawing of the contours of petroglyphs and to reveal previously unknown petroglyphs. The collected data on rocky cliffs will allow creating maps of the distribution of rock carvings in the future. Materials of aerial photography of the distribution areas of boulders with petroglyphs in the fl oodplain of the Amur River are supposed to be used to monitor the movement of boulders under the infl uence of water and ice during the ice drift. A combination of mutually complementary methods of documenting creates an integral image of the monuments of rock art.


Archaeology, Far East, Amur-Ussuri province of rock art, petroglyphs, 3D models, aerial photography, photogrammetry, laser scanning, documentation of petroglyphs, mathematical visualization, geoinformatics.

Аrtur R. Laskin

Institute of Archaeology RAS, Moscow, Regional State Budgetary Institution “Khabarovsk Regional Centre for Cultural and Historical Heritage Protection”, Khabarovsk, Russia

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Ekaterina G. Devlet

Institute of Archaeology RAS, Moscow; Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia

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Aleksandra E. Grinko, Yuriy M. Svoyskiy, Ekaterina S. Romanenko

Institute of Archaeology RAS, Moscow, Russia

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