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The well-known Arcadian inscription (SIG. 314B = IG. V. 2. 550) mentions among the winners of Lycian Games in 308 BC a certain Macedonian: Lagus, Ptolemy’s son. According to fairly well established opinion in scientifi c community, this Lagus was the son of the future king of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter and the former Athenian hetaera Thais. The above-stated inscription represents an important source of the dynastic history of the fi rst Ptolemies. First, thanks to this document, modern researchers were able to defi nitively fi nd out that Ptolemy and Thais really had two sons, whose names were Lagus and Leontiscus. In addition, the mentioned inscription testifi es, that Lagus, having reached the age of majority at the time of his participation in games of 308 BC, and possibly his brother, Leontiscus, were born in the last years of life of Alexander the Great. In addition, it is the argument, proving, that Thais had the legal status of the wife of Ptolemy before 308 BC. Otherwise, Lagus could not participate in the sacred Lycian Games. Finally, the given source indicates the absence of hostility between Lagus and his stepbrother: the next king of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphus. In particular, the young Ptolemy II benevolently accepted the “Hymn to Zeus” by Callimachus, where the mythological tradition connected with happy for the Lagus the Lycian Games was mentioned.


Ptolemies, dynastic history, Lycian Games, Lagus, Leontiscus, Thais, Ptolemy I Soter, Ptolemy II Philadelphus

Andrey L. Zelinskiy

Kiev, Ukraine

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