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The article is devoted to the history of archaeological study of Phanagoria in the 1947–1958. The period of after-war resumption of archaeological excavations of this largest ancient city is extremely important for understanding of regularities of formation of the research plan of the study of Phanagoria. The unifi cation of scientifi c efforts of the Institute of History of Material Culture and the Pushkin Museum, the support of the Moscow State University, the Institute of History of art and other institutions, made it possible to combine very limited fi nancial possibilities and to resume excavations in the city and the necropolis. The main results of archaeological excavations at this stage are a decade of research in the Southeastern part of the city, where an industrial district – Ceramicus was found. The excavations discovered a large ceramic kilns from the 4th century BC, established the details of life in this area until the 3rd century BC. In order to clarify the eastern border of Phanagoria the area has undergone a number of archaeological excavations in recent years. During the underwater research, the Northern boundary of the ancient city was established, covered by waters of the Taman Bay, and it is distant from the modern shoreline at 220–240 m. In addition, the sanctuary of Phanagoria was fi nally localized situated on the slopes of the May Mountain and dated from the late 6th to the mid – 1st century BC. All of this information has allowed to deepen the knowledge of ancient topography, history, and economics of “capital” of the Asian Bosporus and laid a solid scientifi c basis before more extensive excavations in order to study the Central parts of the lower and upper plateau (the Central City and the Upper City) and the southern part of the settlement (excavation South City).


Classical archaeology, Bosporan Kingdom, Phanagoria

Eugenia G. Zastrozhnova

Archive of the Russian Academy of Science St. Petersburg Branch, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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