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In this article the relationship between the Ionians with the Carians (autochthonous population of Asia Minor during the period from the 12th to the 6th century BC) is considered. Since the 12th century BC, the Greeks actively colonize the western coast of Asia Minor where they faced the local autochthonous population. The relationships of the Greeks with the Carians are considered in the economic, cultural, political, social aspects. The Ionians needed lands, and at fi rst often went for military rivalry with the local people. The Melia war that took place in the 8th century BC was the highlight event of the practice of annexation of territories of the autochthonous population and yielded results that the Greeks subdued the Carians settlements with fertile lands. Since the end of the archaic period, the Ionians and the Carians actively were in contact with each other and there is no evidence of the hostile relations. It is possible to observe also joint activities, in particular mercenary one. The practice of mercenarism was caused by the shortage of the land and the excessive population. Mixed marriages, especially among aristocratic circles, often occurred. Herodotus’s father had the Carian name Lyxes. Ionian community was formed with the inclusion in its membership the representatives of different ethnic groups. The Carian population is included in the social structure of Ionian society, some of them as dependent population. The local Carian population living directly in the vicinity of the Greeks, over time lost its identity. The Carians adopted the language of the Greeks. Greeks borrowed some customs and cultural elements at the Carians. The Ionian sanctuary Didyma was built on the site of the ancient Carian religious construction. As a result, the contacts between the people led to the formation the so-called Ionian cultural identity in which we can see traces of Eastern and Carian infl uence.


Asia Minor, Ionia, the Ionians, the Carians, Melia war, Didyma, mercenaries

Vladimir S. Kondratyev

Tobolsk Pedagogical Mendeleyev Institute (the Branch) of Tyumen State University, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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