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The work reveals the basic principles of designing of sacred space in the Russian court culture via the study of the history of the horse, one of the most mythologized animals in Russian culture. In this context, the works of foreigners who visited the Moscow state in 16th – 17th centuries are analyzed. They are deeply studied by the Russian historians memoirs by S. Herberstein, A. Olearius, J. Margeret, A. Staden, B. Jenkinson, B. Coyett and less wellknown works of A. Lizek, A. Elassonskiy, M. Obukhovich, M. Gruneweg, Th. Carlyle, W. Parry, P. Campani and other authors. The memoirs of diplomats, travelers and merchants are considered as unique sources of the history of the state ceremony of the Russian late middle ages, fi lled with colorful details. As a striking cultural phenomenon, horseback riding trips are discussed, which at this time were the most solemn. The scope of trips, the most characteristic of the court culture of the period is defi ned. The study focuses at on the most solemn horse ceremonies: the visits of the Queen as well as on the pilgrimage family trips. Among them, the paper examines the obligatory annual visits to the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius. The author analyzes the signifi cance of other trips for the formation of sacred space in the Russian court culture, in particular, “shestviya na Сакральное в царском конном выезде: нарративные источники 121 oslyati” (The donkey walk) and the visit of “vodokreshchenniya” (Epiphany). In conclusion, we consider the specifi city of ritual choice of the suit of animals according to the understanding in Russian culture the relationship of light and Holiness. Summing up the results of the work, according to which in Moscovia of the late middle ages the horse was a range of the means that intensively formed the sacral space.


Russian culture, sacral, ritual, ceremonial, Moscow state, history of a horse

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