Because of the accumulation of structural and compositional achievements of the Anatolian monument, the Turkish architecture had developed a special type of Muslim religious buildings – the “great Ottoman mosque” – to the mid – 15th century. The type of the domed hall mosque reached its highest fl owering point in the works of the architect Sinan and his followers, being associated with the “Magnifi cent Age” of the Ottoman Empire. “Great Ottoman mosques” differ by the unity of shapes and as the emblem are used for visual marking of several semantic series. Continuous replication (until the beginning of the 21th century) and the use as a tool of political rhetoric transformed the architectural image of the Turkish domed mosque into the international brand fi xed in literature and offi cial symbols serving as a recognizable indicator of the Ottoman state and culture. Excellent architecture of Turkish mosques and visual impact of its image led to its extensive usage in modern Muslim architecture outside Turkey, including Russia, often without taking into account the related ideological connotations.
Architecture of Turkey, Istanbul, mosque, Sinan, political rhetoric, branding
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