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The article considers the value of ethnographic perspective in the scientifi c work of major Russian archaeologist N. N. Dikov. The author demonstrates that the key place in his studies was taken by a vision of the historical phenomena as ethnic and ethno-genetic processes. He considered the archaeological site opened in the Far North-East, in ethnic coordinates, believing such binding an obligatory element of the historical reading of archaeological antiquities. The ethnogenetic model created by Dikov refl ected two main theoretical postulates: indigenism and migrationism. Indigenism laid in the fact that modern (“ethnographic”) people have historical roots which can be traced back on the archaeological material. Migrationism suggests that the most ancient archaeological material must be related to the ancestors of the ethnic groups that had settled in America. Considerable attention in Dikov’s research perspective was paid to the problem of settling of America. The nature of ethnically oriented Dikov`s episteme followed from conceptual reconstruction, which was based on the stages of the settlement of the American continent. In the years of perestroika Dikov evolved an ethnic periodization of mankind history, which is a development of the classical theory of socio-economic formations. Dikov identifi ed seven types of ethnic groups; each one has a certain correlation of form and content. Further, in ethnic processes he determined evolutionary and revolutionary segments, which are also associated with mutational impetus (by Lev Gumilev). In conclusion, he connected the ethnic periodization and a typology of ethnic structures with historical periods, including archeology. This Dikov`s concept is an example of the total history, which reduces the social differences to a single form and indicates the general way of development.


N.N. Dikov, Far North-East, archaeological culture, ethnic interpretation, ethnically oriented discourse, ethnic periodization

Lyudmila N. Khakhovskaya

North-East Interdisciplinary Scientifi c Research Institute n. a. N. A. Shilo, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (NEISRI FEB RAS), Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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