In modern science the division of nations into civil and ethnic is used as one of the classifications. It is considered that the fi rst ones were formed in the Western Europe, and the others – in the Central and Eastern Europe. It is also said about two types of nationalism – the civil one: the emphasis is made on belonging to one state, and in the ethnic nationalism a defi ning role is played by cultural-language propinquity. In Russia the discourse about the nation entered an active phase at the turn of 18th and 19th centuries, and there were both paradigms initially. In the article actors’ groups of this discourse are allocated, their views of the nation’s nature are described; points of intersection between two paradigms are defi ned. The main groups were N.M. Karamzin’s and A.S. Shishkov’s literary societies for which the direction of the Russian literary language development was a key question; as well as the reformers close to Alexander I and the participants of Decembrists movement considering the question of the civil law and freedom was more signifi cant. S.S.Uvarov’s personality must be viewed separately as he summed up the fi rst stage of the discourse about nation, having introduced the formula «orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality». The major sources of the Russian discourse about the nation became the ideas of the German literary movement «Storm and impulse», as well as concepts about civil law and liberty, generated by the French revolution. As participants of the Russian discourse were familiar both with German and French public ideas, the intersections caused by the attempts to combine the ideas of the civil and ethnic nation became possible.
The civil nation, the ethnic nation, nationalism, literary societies, Decembrists, S.S. Uvarov
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