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The Kazakhs in Russia are indigenous and inhabit the subjects of the Federation border with the Republic of Kazakhstan. The history of accession of Kazakhs to the Russian state began in the 1730s. At that time the Kazakhs of the Junior and Middle Zhuz, whose descendants inhabit the southern Ural today, accepted the Russian citizenship. During the stay of the Kazakhs in Russia there were inter-ethnic contacts, followed by a process of integration of Kazakhs into the Russian community. The former nomads became sedentary, founded their own settlements and lived in the same villages together with Russians, Nagaybaks and others. Among the various ethnic groups a cultural exchange happened. Throughout the twentieth century in the ethnic environment of the Kazakhs of the region two parallel processes took place. On the one hand there was a process of integration into the Russian community, on the other –the state sponsoring of the Kazakh identity development made its impact. Studying of a ratio of adaptation extent of Kazakhs into the Russian community and preservation of their ethnic originality is of scientifi c and practical interest. The research was conducted on the territory of Nagaybak district, Chelyabinsk region, where one of the most numerous groups of Kazakhs in the region is congregated. This article consist of two parts. In the fi rst one the ethnic and demographic characteristics on materials of the 2010 census is given. Levels of identifi cation and cultural characteristics of the people are presented in the second part. The method of questioning was used to interview the Kazakhs of several settlements of Nagaybak district. One of the main determining points in self-identification of the studied group is confessional. Other important levels of self-identifi cation are political, geographical and actually ethnic.


The Kazakhs of the Chelyabinsk region, the tribal structure, identity, demography, religion, traditional culture

Irek R. Atnagulov

Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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