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After the signing of the Treaty of Stolbovo Russia and Sweden sought to cooperate in the military-political and economic spheres. However, the tension in the international relations remained and the countries were forced to pay close attention to the situation on the common border. The fact, that in favor of Sweden Russia had given the part of the Russian North-West Territories together with the population, was the reason for the continuing tension. This forced measure only increased mutual suspicion.

For the reliable protection of the borders by the military force Sweden and Russia did not have enough resources, so the two countries made reconnaissance. The Intelligence activities played a signifi cant role in organizing the defense of the border. Reliable information from abroad contributed to timely respond to the danger. In the 17th century the espionage was considered as an important way of getting information. Everyone who arrived from abroad was suspected in espionage.

Kinship, religious and business contacts of the border population were used to collect the information. In the new conditions there was no need to create overseas «spy network» because it had already existed. Then the border authorities chose spies among those who had relatives, friends, and business partners on the other side of the border. Agents, who were in familiar environment, had less fear of being exposed.

Russia tried to regain the lost territories during the Russian-Swedish War of 1656-1658, but failed. The violation of «eternal peace» by Russia strengthened the suspicion of Sweden. The Swedish government started to toughen the control of transboundary population contacts, trying to limit the breach in security.


Swedish-Russian Border Region, the Treaty of Stolbovo, espionage, Russian- Swedish War of 1656–1658

Alexander I. Chepel᾿

State Marine Technical University of St.Petersburg, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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