Nowadays the growth of religious and national consciousness stimulates the interest to Old Church Slavonic texts. There are a lot of people, not only the Christians, who want to join these holly books. The scientifi c studying and dictionary description of old Slavic phraseology is one of the most unresolved issues in Russian philology and Slavistics. That is why “The phraseological dictionary of Old Church Slavonic language” created by Magnitogorsk linguists, helps to understand Slavic texts and fi lls a void in not numerous number of the reference books.
The dictionary includes more than 500 set verbal units (SVU). These units are chosen from all Old Church Slavonic texts of the Х–ХI centuries. The defi nitions are given to the units that are in the active vocabulary of modern Russian language (Angel of God, the Lost Son, God Knows!, No stone unturned), as well as to those units that are not into usage now, but still are important for the understanding of an ancient text (Acid Wine, Furious Storm). In the dictionary, the authors pay attention to some special features of the dictionary entry structure.
“The phraseological dictionary of Old Church Slavonic language” is the very first experience of creating of the specialized handbook. It is also the impulse to the studying in this fi eld of Slavic phraseology. The book can be useful for schoolchildren, students, post-graduates, teachers and university lecturers. It can be used by young slavists from different American and European universities, where Old Church Slavonic language is taught.
Phraseological dictionary of Old Church Slavonic language, Magnitogorsk scientifi c school, set verbal units, historical-linguistic education
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