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The article examines the retreat of Mithridates Eupator through the eastern coast of the Black sea after the defeat of Pompey during the Third Mithridatic War. The question under consideration is the route of this campaign, and what role was played by local barbarians – the Heniochi, the Zygi and the Achaei (the Achaeans). The author carefully studies the written sources – evidence of Appian, Plutarch and, above all, Strabo, and fi nds sometimes a contradiction, in particular, concerning the route of campaign and the relationship between Mithridates and the barbarians. In addition, the author compares different translations and editions of Strabo’s passage (XI. 2. 13), chosen as the main object of study. The author comes to the conclusion that the path of Mithridates ran along the coast and was unlikely to be solely on the land. On this basis, the author rejects the assumption by A. Mayor that Mithridates entered the northern Black sea region through the Daryal gorge and accepts the point of view of Reinach that the Pontic king was probably assisted by Heniochi, who gave him their pirate boats (“camarae”) for successful overcoming of obstacles on the Eastern coast of the Pontus.


Strabo, Mithradates Eupator, Heniochi, Zygi, Achaei, camarae, eastern coast of Black Sea

Andrey P. Voskresenskiy

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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