The aggravation of a political, confessional or ethnic situation and emergence of the confl ict makes a problem of “an image of the enemy” extremely actual. The period of 1930 – 1950-s was characterized by forming of a picture of an enemy environment in which a Soviet person lived. Residents of Magnitogorsk throughout this period were forced to live side by side with the very “enemy” about whom the Soviet propaganda so actively reported. The evidence of the confrontational environment spread by the offi cial ideology adjoined to the need to look for various means of overcoming the confl ict existence between local population and “enemy”. Instruments of forming of “an image of the enemy” were often powerless before some subjects of perception of a “stranger”. It is, above all, about the population that for a variety of reasons directly confronted with the “enemy”. The foreign colony lived in Magnitogorsk from 1930 to 1937, and the contingent of prisoners of war was present at the city from 1944 to 1950. Dynamism of “an image of the enemy” depended on a set of factors: remoteness from “enemy”, the education level, sex, age, availability of direct contacts with the enemy. “Enemy” was also not static. All this also created a cumulative “image of the enemy”. The resident of Magnitogorsk had an opportunity to create offi cial and propaganda, professional and offi ce and personal (household) idea of the enemy. Thus, the image of external “enemy” in Magnitogorsk developed under the infl uence of offi cial promotion; as a result of long presence in the territory of the city of foreigners; owing to personal subjective experience of communication with “enemy”, remoteness of Magnitogorsk from a front line, lack of direct negative experience of occupation and general low level of culture of the population of the new industrial center.
History, image of the enemy, confrontation, methods of overcoming of the confl icts, Magnitogorsk, foreign colony, prisoners of war
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