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The total military conflicts of the XX century between Russia and Germany staticized negative perception of two states and accumulated a special form of perception of each other – “an image of the enemy”. The diffi cult foreign policy situation of intermilitary and military years has set the object for the Soviet propaganda –to create an image of the opponent adequate to modern realities in the mildest terms.

In 1930–1940-ies to achieve that goal propaganda authorities appealed to the historical example of the German-Russian confrontation - the First World War. The process of creating an enemy image was infl uenced by diplomatic confl icts 1930–1940-ies., deadlines, mass distribution of the object (the population of the USSR), the socio-historical and individual experience. In 1930s the enemy image was formed under the infl uence of dominated in USSR conception of proletarian internationalism. Appeal to the military confl ict 1914–1918s showed the formation of revolutionary ideas and hatred of imperialist authority in German army. The major reference point for propaganda authorities was communicative historical memory, implicative direct collective and personal experience of interaction with German army in 1914–1918s.

Fast changing foreign policy situation highlighted its own key points in representing the enemy. Invasion of German forces in the territory of Soviet state made actual the First world opposition and introduced own amendments in an image of the enemy. Invasion of Germany on the territory of the USSR staticized actual historical facts of inhuman attitude of the Germans to Russian soldiers and prisoners of war in the First World War. Specifi c examples of brutalities and associational patterns were aimed at the achievement of propaganda effect with soviet people and formed emotional animosity and rejection of fascists. The victory of soviet army removed the necessity of the extensive propaganda of German enemy in the First World War but with the help of memoirs and fi ction works contributed to its fi xation in the historical memory.


Image of the enemy, the Soviet propaganda, the First World War, Brusilov Offensive, historical memory, communicative memory, associative pattern, the mass consciousness

Olesya Y. Starodubova. Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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