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The article deals with German youth slang Kiezdeutsch. This is the language of multi-ethnic urban areas in Germany. The author studies the infl uence of Kiezdeutsch on Standard German. During the last decades, not only linguists, but also the German mass media, bloggers and ordinary people discuss the birth of a “new” youth language that is developed and used mainly by migrants, young people and teenagers with different linguistic backgrounds. Kiezdeutsch is the result of different changes in the German language and culture. The changes are also caused by the process of internationalization and globalization, the growing of social, linguistic and cultural pluralism. The author analyzes the main linguistic and stylistic features of the slang and its grammatical functioning. He proves that Kiezdeutsch broadens the existing patterns of Standard German. In this case, the slang acts not as a grammatical lowered subversion of Standard German, but pretends to the status of a dialect that has its own vocabulary, grammar and semantic fi eld. This article gives varied opinions of linguists and journalists on Kiezdeutsch. Many linguists try to overcome the prejudice and claim that Kiezdeutsch is not a primitive, spoiled language that serves people with a low educational achievement. Moreover, not any German dialect is considered as unsuccessful attempt to master Standard German. The author concludes that now German slang cannot infl uence the language norms. However, there is a problem that is mentioned by the German mass media. It is the lack of education among German young people and their unwillingness to learn Hochdeutsch.


Germany, Kiezdeutsch, slang, youth language, language norm, grammar, standard language, linguistics

Evgeniy A. Morozov. Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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