This article deals with the publicistic arsenal of the modern nongovernmental organization The Women`s Union of Russia. The organization was established in November 1990 to support family values, traditions and principles. The Bible texts demonstrate traditional family values and promote strong family bonds, and some of the texts became the theme sources for the Union slogans. The Women`s Union of Russia also uses the publicistic arsenal of the feminist movement of the middle of XIX century - the beginning of XX century in Western Europe. The organization organizes special campaigns, summits, regional relay races, round tables and also military-political clubs. All these things help to percept a family as a social unit that Russian people and the government should protect and care about. The main aim of Russian domestic politics is to save traditional family values, increase the social importance of a family, strengthen the parents’ role in children`s lives. The government should always pay attention to such social problems as material welfare of a family. It should care about spiritual and moral family health. A family should always be in the centre of political attention because it is very important for stable country development.
The Women`s Union of Russia, slogan, motto, appeal, the Bible, family, sound development, the government
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