The article discusses the phenomenon of tolerance in a linguo-axilogical aspect. The author studies the development of the tolerance integral understanding in the historical process (from the instrumental signifi cance to the meaning of the moral virtue) and the emergence of the tolerance ideology in the modern society.
On the basis of the Internet communication analysis and the questionnaires the evaluative connotations of the word tolerance, the parameters of the tolerance consciousness are identifi ed, the attitude of the Russians towards tolerance is interpreted. It has been proved that in the naive language consciousness of the Russians tolerance is characterized by the ambivalence.
Three groups of respondents are identifi ed: people who clearly recognize the value of tolerance; people for whom tolerance has situational value; individuals who deny tolerance as a value. The factors which contribute to an ambivalent attitude to the socio-cultural phenomenon are singled out.
Firstly, the meaning of the word tolerance in the Russian language is ambiguous and vague. The concept “tolerance” according to the results of the survey possesses the antipodal conceptual characteristics: on the one hand, “tolerance”, “respect”, “confl ictlessness” which belong to the national-mental values of the Russian nation and support the meliorative connotations of the notion under study; and on the other hand, indifference, invariance, hypocrisy which intensify its pejorative assessment.
Secondly, the areas of social life with an adequate usage of this term are uncertain.
In the opinion of the majority of the informants tolerance must have limits and there are such social phenomena where tolerance is not applicable.
The third factor is the intensifi cation of the antiglobalisation process, protests against the West expansion and intensifi cation the national self-determination feelings. The third factor is the intensifi cation of the antiglobalisation process, protests against the West expansion and intensifi cation of the national self-determination feelings. Tolerance has substituted such traditional for the Russian mentality notions as morality, spirituality, respect, and a great part of the Russian society opposes to this tendency.
Axiology, tolerance, values, ambivalence, connotations
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