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The article explores the way the popular political slogan Proletarier aller Lдnder, vereinigt euch! which origin is traced to the pamphlet by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (according to other sources, the slogan belongs to K. Schapper) in its Russian (Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!), Ukrainian (Пролетарі всіх країн, єднайтеся!) and Belorussian (Пралетарыі ўсіх краін, яднайцеся!) versions has become the part of common phraseology.

The study of anchoring in the speech of the turnover, fi rst, helped to clarify the ontological perspective, the difference between the quote, which, contrary to popular belief, may vary due to different versions of the source text, and the popular expression in the narrow sense, i.e. the eptonym; so their main differentiating feature is not the permanence / impermanence of lexicogrammatical structures, but the sphere the unit functions in and its nominative orientation (an eptonym is used in the contexts other than its prototype and it has a nominative and characterizing orientation). Secondly, the statement that there are no cases of wordplay with the slogan and no negative connotation in its usage during the Soviet period proves to be an exaggeration: actually, it is found in the speech of negative characters, even in a children’s textbook piece of memories, satirical texts. The connotation of the slogan varies from high to an extremely low one. Thirdly, the linguistic and cultural analysis of the phrase modifi cations that appeared as a result of semantic and substitutive modifi cations indicates that the communist slogan is involved in the process of new ideologization and, moreover, in an active de-ideologization process of sovietisms in the three Eastern Slavic languages. Recently, the wordplay with the slogan has become carnivalesque, according to Bakhtin’s term.


Political slogan, quotation, eptonym, winged word source, set phrase modifi cation, de-ideologization of sovietisms, carnivalesque

Ludmila P. Dydechko. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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