The article deals with the totalitarian systems dominated in Europe in the early twentieth century - the German “National Socialism” or “fascism”, and Soviet communism.
As a key way of impact on a people in both systems refusal of Christian dogma and its replacement by “quasi-religion” which in Soviet, externally atheistic, the state took the forms of new, party and communistic “religion” on the basis of former traditional ceremonies is allocated. On language material similar substitution is expressed in use of the bible statements transformed and rethought according to Bolshevist ideology. The main ways of its expression were slogans. The author analyzes the most popular of them: “No song, no supper”, “Who is not with us, that is against us”, “Who looks for, that will always fi nd” and “ Peace for world “. Their primary source from the Scripture is provided in the article, the history of emergence of slogans is described, their interpretation is given, ways of their transformation during the Soviet and Post-Soviet eras are illustrated. The author points to the change of initial sense of some slogans for the purpose of promotion of the Soviet ideas and postulates. Examples from the publicistic texts refl ecting functioning and variations of the specifi ed units are given as an example of functioning of this situation. During the post-Perestroika period desacralization of both bible quotes, and Soviet slogans is observed. There is a mixture of styles, “rated and anti-rated, personal and others’”. As a result the Soviet slogans lose the sharpness and politicization, passing into phraseological layer of modern Russian.
Slogans, ideology, religion, Christianity, biblicisms, propaganda, communism, idioms
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