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The author of the article suggests that after the Christianization, phraseological fund of the Russian language was enriched with different set structures from the Bible. Some of these set phrases have been transformed with the time. However, we still use them in our language. The Bible was always the source of wisdom. Many famous orators and politicians of the past quoted the Holy Writings in their public speeches. In the Soviet period, bible texts became the base for popular communistic slogans. The Bible quotes gave birth to many slogans and appeals that promoted such Christian values as egality, self-sacrifi ce, community spirit and altruism. Short and emotional, these phrases spoke to soviet people. The defeat of communism infl uenced the publicistic fund of the Russian language. The author came to a conclusion that old soviet slogans and appeals underwent the process of stylistic and ideological transformation, variation and explication.


Slogan, appeal, set phrase, publicistic writing, the Bible

Polina M. Kostina. Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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