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The article considers problems related to the continuity of generations in Andrey Vasnetsov’s artistic family and describes the evolvement and specifi c features of his art. He worked in the easel painting and in various techniques of monumental art and was one of the founders of the austere style – the latest Russian big art style of the second half of the 20th century. The article describes why the austere style emerged and quotes the artist’s statements explaining the solution he chose for his works and showing the tasks he set himself in panting – colouristic and spatial tasks illustrated by his works «Breakfast» and «Still Life with a Black Hen». The reader’s attention is also drawn to Andrey Vasnetsov’s views on the completeness of a piece of art and close interconnections between the easel and monumental art in his works. A list of monumental works by Andrey Vasnetsov is given at the end of the article.


Andrey Vasnetsov, austere style, monochrome painting, constructive thinking, problem of the completeness of an artwork, «black painting», interconnections between easel and monumental art, organization of the environment and the collective nature of the monumental artists’ work

Andrey I. Dubov, Moscow State University of Printing Arts, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ashkerov, A.Ju. (avt.-sost.) 2005: Andrej Vasnecov. Risunki. Zhivopis’. Moscow.

Bazaz’janc, S.B. 1989: A. Vasnecov. Moscow.