In article various mechanisms of refl ection of cultural values to lexicon of English and Russian languages are considered. Authors analyze lexicon from the point of view of the maintenance of the cultural component refl ecting a specifi cally national component of language. The special attention is paid to words of two types: fi rst, refl ecting concepts which are characteristic only of a certain culture (non-equivalent lexicon); secondly, to the words coinciding to a certain extent in the lexical meanings, but considerably different in cultural values. Based on the suggestedillustration and analysis it is explained why one of problems inteaching a foreign language is inclusion in process of mastering English lexicon the work on development of a cultural component of a lexical meaning. On concrete examples it is shown as the lexical meaning of the word is specifi ed in dictionaries, and the cultural caused component is comprehended through the analysis of system of values, a way of life, behavior models of carriers of English-speaking cultures.
cultural values, lexical meaning, cultural component of a word meaning, central (key) words, cultural and specifi c lexicon
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