The article draws attention to the material component of the Koryak spiritual practices and to the objective world. Author uses the method of formal description of material objects, as well as an anthropological method that relates eventful history with cultural traditions of ethnolocal community. Author analyzes in detail the construction of 18 drums, which existed in the Koryak reindeer herders of Magadan Region. These artifacts show a signifi cant variability on grounds such as the size and shape of the shell, the form and amount of staples, location and composition of the handle, a set of pendants. This variability refl ects certain autonomy of the childhood world in the sacred representations of the Koryak, gender and social gradation of ethnolocal community. The fi rst time in the historiography author discover anthropomorphic pendants on the drums, connects them with the rituals related to children. Cultural traditions Koryak prescribed cyclical nature of the functioning of drums, set the order of their production, existence and obliteration. “Rules” dealing with drums and its sacred value among the Koryak in the twentieth century have undergone strong transformation, which is why researchers and enthusiasts can purchase drums. Expressed fading Koryak shamanism, including practices rites with a drum is noted.
drums, Koryak, ethnolocal community, Magadan Region, construction, variability, anthropomorphic pendants, shamanism, rituals
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