The article deals with an attempt to give a general outline of the place and the role of Stephanos of Alexandria in the history of late antique school and learning, most likely, of the last scholarch of the Alexandria philosophical school of the 7th century is made. This distinguished scholar and writer excelled in a number of areas of knowledge, leaving works on philosophy, medicine, astronomy, astrology, alchemy. Unfortunately his works in mathematics, music, rhetoric, grammar did not remain. Stephanos's main mission was, apparently, teaching. His two basic scientifi c alter egos were a philosopher and a medical man. The last part of his life he spent in Constantinople as a public teacher, by order of Emperor Heraclius. The authors conclude that Stephanos of Alexandria was one of the key fi gures of culture and thought the fi nal part of the Late Antiquity (2nd half of the 6th – early 7th centuries AD.). Slightly eclectic and broad scientifi c nature of research and teaching interests of Stephen of Alexandria can be explained by the general medievalizing of knowledge on the eve of the Middle Ages. Education in high schools gained more and more elementary character, and depth of teaching was reduced. Apparently, Stephanos was known to us as the last head of the Alexandrian neo-Platonic school of philosophy. Modern science has very little interest in the legacy of Stephanos of Alexandria. There is no full scientifi c publication of his writings, and in domestic science, he has never attracted any professional attention The researchers are faced with the challenge of updating the heritage of the late antique scholar and teacher, a comprehensive study of its place and role in the culture of the early Byzantine Empire.
school, teaching, philosophy, Stephanos of Alexandria, scholarch, Alexandria, Constantinople
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