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The article observes votive inscriptions of legionaries, offi cers and veterans of the Roman Dacia. Epigraphic materials make it possible to learn religious preferences of soldiers, the specifi c nature of their religious faiths and practices. Published and collected epigraphic materials of Dacia show us that the great majority of legionaries worshiped offi cial deities. The cult of Jupiter Optimus Maximus was extremely popular. Their dedications to Jupiter Optimus Maximus had not only professional but also offi cially declarative nature. There were cases in Dacia when legionaries and offi cers worshiped a number of deities, for example, Jupiter Optimus Maximus with other offi cially recognized deities or army deities. The most common dedications here were the ones made to the Capitoline Triad. Moreover epigraphic materials show us that there were also practices of worshiping legion geniuses. Epigraphic sources demonstrate the fact that people in Dacia worshiped offi cial cult. It is known that the commanders of Dacia Legions left their dedications to the divine emperor and his genius. The local syncretic religious beliefs, which were common in Balkan-Danube region, began to spread among the soldiers of Dacia in the 2nd century BC


province of Dacia, the Roman legionnaires, religious cult, the Roman imperial cult

Maxim V. Popov Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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