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In a number of Solon’s laws issued in 594/593 BC the drachmas were mentioned. These references were taken by all ancient authors of the Classical and subsequent periods as evidence of the existence of coinage in Athens in Solon’s time. However, today, thanks to the efforts of numismatists, it has been proved beyond any doubt that in the fi rst half of the 6th century BC. Athens produced no coins. Thus, the question to be answered is what drachmas are being spoken about in Solon’s laws. This fi rst part of the article analyzes in some detail relevant pieces of evidence in the sources (they are mostly in Plutarch’s Solon), so further, in the second part, it would be possible to suggest a conceptual decision on the basis of these empirical data.


Solon, Archaic Athens, law-making, coinage, drachmas, Plutarch

Igor E. Surikov. Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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