The academic activity in the North regions of the Soviet Union in 1930s – 1941 is examined in the article. The beginning of this period is related to reorganization of the Academy of Sciences and it’s factually «sovietization», the ending – to the restructuring of work in accordance with the requirements of wartime. The paper shows the meaning of implementation of the most important academic initiatives: The Kola complex expedition, expeditions on Pechora, the expedition to Wrangel Island in 1938, Yakutsk Expedition of the Council for the Study of Production Forces and the Obruchev Permafrost Institute in 1938–1940 and other. In this regard, the key factors that have had an impact on the scope and vectors research in the Russian Arctic were determined (strategic activity vector chosen by the governing body of the Academy under the infl uence of the government authorities and connected with the provision of the economic and business development of the country; the social and political situation existing in the Soviet Union, and occurrence of the new important actors – The Chief Directorate of the Northern Sea Route and structures that were affi liated with the People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs). The main directions of academic initiatives are shown in the article. Also the features of the selected period in the history of Academy of Sciences study of the region (development of stationary researches, activation of scientifi c and advisory work, the infl uence of repression on scientific potential) and its value for the development of fundamental and applied knowledge were noted.
Arctic, Yakutia, Kola Peninsula, Asian North, The Academy of Sciences of the USSR, researches, expeditions
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