In this article features of nonconventional creation of a header and final complex in the visual plan in books-cycles of the modern writer Denis Osokin are unveiled. The poetics of the title determines the formation of an organic product.
Visual shape of texts by Denis Osokin is known for its specifi c characteristics, above all for the fragmentation of the space of the page, which is divided into small-scale stories or chapters, which often connected with each other by associative logic.
Fragmentation, weak plot, associative type of narrative in the works by Denis Osokin create discrete, sparse look of the text. The segmented shape of the texts by Denis Osokin increases their attraction to cyclic organization of each fragment with a header and the final complex.
Cyclic organization of books by Denis Osokin is a factor, that segments the space of the page by combining fragments of the minimum volume and the header complex.
The header and the final complex has a dual nature: on the one hand, it is independent and outside the text, on the other hand, it is a part of the text that is linked with the other components. It is simultaneously the element, that visually enhances a discrete form of the text, and it is the element which connects the visually disparate components.
The header and the final complex in the texts by Denis Osokin always includes the title, subtitle, place and the year of publication, the optional ones are the name of the narrator, dedication, table of contents, a special final string. The basic and optional elements of the header and the final complex in the texts by Denis Osokin have visual markers.
The study concludes that the header and the final complex contributes to the creation of a discrete space of the page and at the same time the unifi cation of the disparate fragments of the narrative into an artistic whole.
Header and the final complex, cyclical organization, space of the page, segmentation, space
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