The article deals with the religious and existential context of L. Andreev’s story “The Yoke of the War”. The main character Ilya Petrovich Dementiev – the modest accountant in Saint Petersburg – puts down his impressions of the First World War in a diary. The author shows the evolution of his life experience – through the alienation, existential rebellion in order to defense his unique personality – to the consciousness of the unity with all suffering people, to «sobornost’» and Christian humility. Abruptness and groundlessness of the changes of the main character’s consciousness is explained by the philosophic term “existential experience”. They may be understood in religious categories of transfi guration or conversion that allow us to consider the point of view of the author to be close to the ideas of Russian existential philosophy.
Alienation, existential rebellion, «underground» consciousness, «sobornost’»
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