The Nagaybaks as the new identity appears in the 18th – 19th centuries. The main ethnic marking signs were the religious, social class, ethno-cultural and language affi liation. The history of formation, development and infl uence on the ethnic appearance of Nagaybaks have been described in previous publications, including this journal. In the 1920s-1930s with the loss of caste and religious identities the Nagaybaks language became almost the only ethnic identifi cation sign. In accordance with the newly adopted codifi cation of the principle of population by ethnicity Nagaybaks since the late 1930s have been excluded from the list of nationalities of the USSR and became a part of the population, fi xed by the ethnic name “Tatars”. One of the reasons for this was the fact that the language of Nagaybaks according to the linguistic classifi cation was included in the system of dialects of the middle dialect of the Tatar language. By the end of the 1990s there was a contradiction between the offi cial status of ethnic and linguistic identities of Nagaybaks and their folk understanding. Nagaybaks, preserving ethnic identity distinct from the Tatars, also positioned their fi rst language not as the Tatar, but as regional. In 2015, regional ethnographers created the dictionary in which the spelling of the vocabulary produced not by taking into account literary norms of the Tatar, as it was before, but in accordance with the phonetic characteristics of regional dialect. The existence of regional linguistic identity is confi rmed by our fi eld studies conducted in 2005–2015. The peculiarity of the language situation among Nagaybaks is that over the past century, the functioning of the native language has decreased signifi cantly in favor of Russian. However, the attitude to the native language as the main ethnic mark has not only preserved but even strengthened. The acuteness of a problem is increased by scientifi c and public discussion about the linguistic status of the native language of nagaybak.
Ethnology of Transurals, identity, linguistics, Nagaybaks
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