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The article is devoted to insuffi ciently studied object of research – some Nuremberg counting tokens (rechenpfennig) of 18th – 19th centuries in a unique style – Rossica style, where on the obverses the portraits of Russian Emperors are depicted. The data was provided by the specimens in numismatic collections in different museums (Russia, USA, West Europe) and some private collections. In museum collections these subjects are scantly presented, that’s why searching for the Nuremberg counting of the Russian style and putting these monuments of medal art together is a matter of great diffi culty. The article describes the main types of counting tokens of the Russian style, gives their classifi cation and description, and also provides the general information about the history of coining and its functioning. The authors trace the relationship of images on counting tokens 18th – 19th centuries, devoted to Russia, with the counting of the earlier period.


Counting tokens, Rossica style, numismatics, medallist, determination

Igor’ V. Rudenko, Aromadon, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Irina V. Mitskevich, Southern Federal University, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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