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Decorated stone pestles, batons and vessels (as well as objects made from their fragments), made in a certain style, have been found on many early Neolithic sites of Northern Mesopotamia. These skillfully created in most cases of rare stone carriers of symbolic images, obviously, were the objects of ritual importance, as evidenced by the features of their design, fabrication material, and the reuse for symbolic purposes of their fragments and the context of discovery in the closed complexes. The article considers the issues of determining the focus, areal and chronology of distribution, as well as the functional purpose of these groups of objects of material culture. Most of the motifs and compositions of their decorations refer to the set of known images presented on the items of large and small forms of other categories of symbolically signifi cant objects, typical for the ritual context of the sites of Northern Mesopotamia PPNA, Early and Middle PPNB. At the same time, in some instances rare, sometimes unique forms, as well as motifs and plots in the decoration of stone pestles and vessels made of chlorite indicate the presence of local traditions associated with local production. At the end of the Middle Pre- Ceramic Neolithic B the tradition of skillful production of sculptural stone pestles, batons and decorated vessels made of chlorite, as well as many other symbolic stone objects, faded in Northern Mesopotamia. These changes in the material culture of the population of the region in question, refl ecting the transformation of the social structure and the worldview sphere, were associated with more global processes that led to the beginning of a new stage of Neolithization in the territory of Southwest Asia.


Final Epipaleolithic, Neolithic, Northern Mesopotamia, stone decorated bowls and pestles, batons.

Tatiana V. Kornienko

Voronezh State Pedagogical University, Voronezh, Russia

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