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The study of tamgas-petroglyphs depicted on rocks and kurgan slabs of the Middle Yenisei Basin covers several centuries. It is possible to divide the entire history of such long surveys into four periods. The fi rst (18th century to the last quarter of the 19th century) is characterized by the accumulation of the materials. The second period (the last quarter of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century) is marked by the fi rst attempts to explain the meaning of the tamgas, as well as by the continuation of the fi xation of signs on the rocks and mound stones. In the 1920–1990s works are carried out on typological analysis and attribution of the tamga petroglyphs of the region by the Middle Ages and Modern period. Studies in the 2000–2010s are characterized by an integrated approach, involving an analysis of the archaeological context, stratigraphy, data from written sources, etc. Despite the corpus of materials collected so far on tamgas on the rocks and mounds of the Middle Yenisei, there is no any publication in which the contribution of specialists is analyzed, as well as the main milestones of the history of studying such a specifi c source. The article fi lls this gap, and the author outlines the main prospects for further research on tamgas on the rocks and mounds of the Middle Yenisei.


Middle Yenisei River, petroglyphs, rock art, images on mound stones, tamgas, signs.

Irina G. Rogova

Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russia

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