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This article describes the wreck of an ancient merchant ship at Cape Tuzla (Krasnodar Region). This wreck occurred in the 6th century BC. This is the oldest known ancient shipwreck site in the Northern Black Sea region. Archaeological excavations at the wreck site have never been carried out, and all research was reduced to an external examination, measurements and fi xing it on the map. The vessel itself was probably a medium (about 15–20 m long) transport ship carrying a load of stone. The ship was thrown onto one of the rocks of the Tuzla reef ridge at the entrance to the Kerch Strait and was severely damaged.


Underwater archaeology, Kerch Strait, ancient navigation, shipwreck, sea trade routes.

Vasiliy M. Petrovskiy

Saratov Chernyshevsky State University, Saratov, Russia

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