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The article deals with foreign and Russian historiography of the Cybele cult study, especially in the Cimmerian Bosporus. Modern scholars have come to understand the Cybele cult to be a complex phenomenon that includes various elements (“orgiastic”, “mysterious”, etc.). These elements varied depending on the specifi c chronological period and the region. Russian scholars provide ample material concerning the Cybele worship in the Bosporus during various periods within specifi cs of the region. The author suggests in the Classical and early Hellenistic periods there was a connection between Demeter and Cybele cults, who represented different aspects of fertility (on the one hand, arable agriculture, on the other – the wild nature productive forces). The Bosporans could worship two goddesses at the same time. In the 3rd century BC Cybele occupies a leading position, but loses popularity by the end of the century. The reasons for these processes are not fully understood. Most likely, there was an initial identifi cation and fusion in some features of Cybele and the local female deity. The next increase in goddess popularity occurs during the Late Hellenistic period as a result of several factors. In particular, due to the spread of orgiastic cults, Mithradates VI’s religious policy and Roman infl uences. The following issues require further research and detailed study: goddess archaic cult, mystery rites conducted, the content of local cult version and some others.


Cimmerian Bosporus, Cybele, Attis, mysteries, terracotta, Panticapaeum, Myrmekion, Kytaion.

Alexandra V. Bykovskaya

Lomonosov State University, Moscow, Russia

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