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The article for the fi rst time examines comprehensively Roman bronze casseroles from the burials of the nomads of Asian Sarmatia of the 1st – 3rd centuries AD.

The Eggers 131, 136, 137 and 140 saucepans are the most common types of imported bronzeware of the late 1st century BC – 1st century AD not only in the burials of Asian Sarmatia, but also on the whole, of the nomads of Eastern Europe, where at least 35 pieces were found. The widest distribution in the territory of Asian Sarmatia had Eggers types 137 and 140, some of which are known in the Lower Volga region, in the Urals, and even in the South Trans-Urals. However, a signifi cant part of them either has traces of repair, or represents a secondary use of a fragment of the casserole for another purpose. Against this background, fi nds of other Roman bronze vessels, dating from the fi rst half of the 1st century AD, in Eastern Europe, are much less numerous.

The saucepans of types Eggers 143, 144, 147, dating after the middle of the 1st century AD, as well as the imitations of the casseroles of type Eggers 140 are represented by 10 specimens from the burials of nomads of Asian Sarmatia. At least one of the three Eggers 142-type casseroles with the stamp of L. Ansius Epaphroditus, a craftsman who worked from about 50/55 to 80 AD, must be added here. The number of Roman bronze saucepans from all funeral complexes of Sarmatia dating later than the middle of the 1st century AD, including the second half of 1st, and 2nd centuries AD, does not exceed 18 pieces, including 5 imitations of Eggers 140-type casseroles. These vessels deserve special attention, possibly being products of the North-Pontic (Bosporan?) workshops, which are represented by a relatively large number of fi nds, mainly from the complexes of the Lower Don basin of the late 2nd – fi rst half of the 3rd century AD.

Also, in the second half of 1st – 2nd centuries AD among imported bronze vessels, the saucepans remained one of the most common groups, being the second after Eggers 99–103 basins. Accordingly, the number of early Roman bronze casseroles stands out not only against other chronologically close types of Roman bronze ware, but also in comparison with later casseroles.

It is impossible to explain why against the general background in the Northern Pontic area and in the Burial-mounds of Sarmatia there turned out to be such an unusual concentration of fi nds of the early Roman bronze saucepans, if one considers them as objects of trade. It is very likely that the distribution of these vessels, which were an integral part of the march equipment of the Roman troops, was associated with the events of the Bosporan-Roman war of 45–49 AD.


Roman bronze vessels, casseroles, Roman army, Roman imports, Bosporan-Roman war, North Pontic area, Asian Sarmatia.

Mikhail Treister

German Archaeological Institute, Berlin, Germany

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