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The paper is devoted to the problem of internal situation in Commagene during the Achaemenid Period (the 6th to 4th centuries BC) based on archaeological data. The author summarizes archaeological material, accumulated mainly in the 1980s. Unfortunately, the inner history of Commagene as a historical and geographical area in the Persian period has not been practically developed in science except for a small reference summarizing papers of J.M. Mellink and W. Messerschmidt, so this work intends to fi ll the existing gap in this area. Having generalized and analyzed accumulated material, the author comes to the following conclusions. Apparently, Samosata was the capital of Commagene in the Persian period judging by remains of apadana discovered in 1983. Perhaps there was the residence of the ruler of this territory, subordinate to the satrap of Eastern Armenia. The pattern of exploitation of the peasants on the state and community lands in Commagene remained unchanged since the Achaemenid epoch. This is confi rmed by the data on the Satrap centers in Persian Armenia, given in the “Anabasis” of Xenophon, and the instructions of the Royal manifestos of Antiochus I of Commagene (69–34 BC) referring to the Hellenism. The nature of the culture of the fortifi ed settlement on the hill of Lidar near Samosata indicates the processes of religious syncretism, usual for the regions of the Achaemenid Empire. The Persian army was primary consumer of imported products, fi rst, pottery in Achaemenid Commagene. The general body of local population wasn̉ t almost affected by external infl uences or trade. The Institute of dynasts, which is known for Commagenian epigraphy of the Hellenistic time, can ascend at least to the achaemenid epoch. It is indirectly proved by the discovery of the fortifi ed construction, the palace or homestead (?), on the Tille Hill. Overall, the archaeological data allow us to judge that Commagene in the Persian period fi rmly entrenched in the political and cultural area of the Achaemenid Empire.


Archaeology, the Achaemenid Empire, Commagene, Armenia, Samosata, apadana, Lidar, Carchemish, Tille

Sergey V. Obukhov. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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