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In the article, the issues related to the question of legality and real possibility of comparison of images, motives, plots in art with materials of folklore sources – myths, epic works, folk legends, fairy tales and so forth that frequently arises before researchers of ancient and medieval art are discussed. The authors not only pay strict attention to the Turkic epic, the main layer of which, according to experts, was formed in the Early Middle Ages but also identify the aspects of its formation and development. This type of folklore is the most demanded one when studying the possibilities of its application the interpretation of decorative art of the early medieval nomads of Central Asia. A belt set mainly represents the latter and other non-ferrous metal objects adorning the horse and rider. The objects are decorated in a specifi c style, which became common among nomads in the Early Middle Ages. Based on the depictive system of ornamentation and decoration represented by vegetative, zoomorphic, anthropomorphic subjects and geometric themes including semantic motifs we can consider the connection between decorative art of different epochs and the epic, which has been assumed by many researchers. The analyses of both forms of art – visual and verbal – made it possible to formulate common features of their stylistics and images, as well as some patterns of development. Both branches of art can be regarded as a single cultural phenomenon of a particular era. The research specifi es the level of comparing of these art types by the example of structural elements distinguished in the depictive system of decorative style. The authors conclude that the early medieval decorative and applied art of Central Asian nomads is promising for revealing the world outlook and the real historic conditions for its emergence and development rather than for studying specific straightforward comparisons (although exceptions exist).


Early Middle Ages, nomads, Central Asia, decorative and applied art, belt ornaments of non-ferrous metal, decorating system, folklore, heroic epic

Galina G. Korol

Institute of Archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Olga B. Naumova

N.N. Miklukho-Maklay Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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