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The article is devoted to the analysis of the process of formation of one of the largest theological center in Egypt, the Alexandrian school. Relevance of this analysis is because this problem was actually remained untouched upon and information about the fi rst steps of the Alexandrian school is practically non-existent. As the result, it has caused numerous scientifi c disputes on the contribution of the first Christian theologists in the Alexandria including Pantaenus of Alexandria.

In view of the fact that Alexandria became the city, where intellectuals, which formed a new socio-cultural environment, based on the Museion and Alexandrian library, converged on account of the fortunate geographical location, it has caused principally the establishment of the Alexandrian school. The specifi ty of the Alexandrian school as its initial stages of the existence was the content of education that the participants received. The school has become a center of development of theological education and a model for the establishment of similar educational centers in other parts of the Roman Empire.

Pantaenus of Alexandria was one the first Alexandrian mentors, who taught based on oral traditions – the method used by many of the previous thinkers of Antiquity before him, with primary emphasis focused on oral interpretation of the Christian Scriptures and therefore brought new followers to the Christian faith. Most likely, at the initial stages of development of the Alexandrian school also philosophy were taught in addition to exegesis, pointing to continuity from classical traditions of education. A peculiarity of administrative activities of Pantaenus of Alexandria at the head of Alexandrian school was that he developed a new philosopho-theological movement with mystical-speculative nature, relying on the traditions of the Christianity as well as the previous polytheistic religions. The movements was further developed in the activity of his apprentice, Clement of Alexandria.


Alexandria, Roman Empire, Egypt, Alexandrian school, Pantaenus of Alexandria, Clement of Alexandria

Irina V. Zaitseva

Belgorod Law Institute of Ministry of the Internal of the Russian Federation named after I.D. Putilin, Belgorod, Russia

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