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The article is devoted to the series of Tomi bronze coins with “laureate head of Zeus/two horse foreparts and stars” supplied with Istrus’ countermark. Studying the reasons for the appearance of Istrus’ early countermark on the coins of Tomi, the author argues a new date for the Tomi’s countermarked coins. He dates it to the second quarter of the 3rd c. BC. Also he puts forward several arguments against the minting of these coins in the second half of the 2nd c. BC and the dating of the Istrus’ countermark to the late 2nd – early 1st c. BC as a result of the Greek poleis’ policy towards Mithridates Eupator and the Scythian kings of Dobruja. The author supposes that the Istrus’ countermark on the coins of Tomi could appear in the second quarter of the 3rd c. BC as a result of Istrus’ economic and commercial activity in the West Pontic Region and its predominance in the area of Tomi at that period. Such economic expansion caused a war between Byzantium, Callatis and Istrus for the “monopoly” in Tomi, happened about the mid- 3rd c. BC.


Тоmi, Istrus, Callatis, Byzantium, Zeus, Dioscuri, Mithridates Eupator, the Scythians, Dobruja

Sergey Yu. Saprykin

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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