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The article deals with the problem of the place of potenial semes in words’ meaning. It is shown that such semes as ‘emotion’ and ‘emotional valency’ are parts of the intensional dimension of semantics. It leads to the phenomena of the loss and\or change of Эмотивная ионизация семантики слова 285 emotional valency or the transformation of emotively neutral words to connotative lexical units. The process which is responsible for such transformations is a reactive nature of emotions when a stressful situation objectifi es a hidden emotional potential of a word. It is also proposed to name this way of changing an emotional component of semantics as the emotive ionization of a word.


emotiveness, emoseme, emotive words, stimulus, reaction ionization, neutral word

Alexander A. Shteba - Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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