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The article is in the line with the studies of the propositional frame structure of the concept “Blago (Good)” – the key concept of Russian culture. The author analyzed the basic concept of the name that is presented in the language in the form of a lexical nest with a root morpheme -blag-. From the point of view of the author, the basic concept of the name is not a scientifi c abstraction, but a complex product of verbal-logical thinking and a fact of the language system. With the help of the base name concept, a communicator arouses in the mind of the interlocutor the main content of the concept – the knowledge, views and estimations. The selection of the base name of the concept can be a lengthy process: a word must be found, which inner form will correspond to the thematic lines of the concept, and it will refl ect the archetype and imaging system. The paper used propositional-framing method for analyzing family of words, because the method is based on the frame integrity of the family of words. Root blag- and its variants form 32 “families of words” in the modern Russian language. The overall structure of the propositional frame retains the lexical link between the words belonging to the individual families of words. The unity of the frame family of words “Blago (Good)” is evident in repeated propositions of words that make up the «peak» of each family of words. The propositions that are common to several families are based on a common frame «Еstimation» and a derivative frame «Norma» from it. The author considers it to be appropriate to apply the propositional-framing method to modern and ancient historical linguistic material. Schemes of propositions allow to formalize, to design the inner form of the root morpheme, making it possible to observe the structure of the base name of the concept.


Concept, inner form, root, propositional frame analysis, family of words, estimation

Svetlana L. Andreeva

Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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