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In the article questions of a political inclusiveness of the German workers and specialists in construction of the socialist state on the example of the city of Magnitogorsk are brought up. Political preferences of different social categories of the German emigrants are analyzed: corporate, currency and currency-free specialists, workers, political emigrants. Only a half of the German emigrants in Magnitogorsk were party, still the part can be carried to sympathizers. The others were apolitical. Therefore the process of staying so considerable, to some extent alien, group in the city of all-union value under construction required essential political work. Destinies and work of different representatives of political propaganda and promotion are examined: enthusiasts and professional propagandists. Involvement of the German workers and specialists in political work entirely passed through economic levers. Political and economic components very closely intertwined that was quite natural: the concepts “udarnik”, “Stakhanovets”, “improvement suggestion” or “rationalizer” were ambivalent. The attention is paid to various forms of political work with the German workers and specialists: means of communication, the periodical press, meetings, bringing to the party purges that took place in Magnitogorsk. The process of exposure to socialist ideology certainly encountered economic (household) component of the stay of the Germans in Magnitogorsk. However, and the work with foreign students was not satisfactory: in addition to organizational turmoil, there was one key problem: the language barrier. Up to the end it was not successful to get rid of all problems in political work that became one of the departure reasons for even loyal to communist party Germans.


Magnitogorsk, emigrant, political emigrant, USSR, propaganda, industrialization, Socialist town, foreign worker

Nina V. Chernova. Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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