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It is believed that special infl uence on formation and preservation of historical memory of the people is made by feature fi lms: they not only make memories of past events important, but also draw public attention to debatable historical subjects. The article is devoted to the analysis of the feature fi lm on a novel of the same name of the publicist T. Vermes “He is back” and to his impact on the German society. The main character of the novel – Adolf Hitler who regained consciousness in 2015 in modern Berlin and got to new political reality with the old ideological installations. Homeless and destitute, he interprets everything he sees and experiences in 2015 from a Nazi perspective and although everyone recognizes him, nobody believes that he is the real Hitler; he is perceived as the comedian and the talented actor who got used to an image. He appears on a television show called «Whoa, dude!» to broadcast his views. Videos of his angry rants become quickly extend thanks to YouTube, and Hitler becomes well-known. Eventually, he uses his popularity to return to politics. The popularity of the novel of T. Vermes and the shot movie demonstrates that in historical memory of the German society of the nazi past there is a shift: his “normalization” begins, there is an aspiration to look at it from a different angle (laughing, but not crying), the perception of immorality of nazi ideology becomes blurred, ways of representation of this period of history have changed. The movie “He is back” has become a challenge to the modern German society, its readiness to perceive ideas of national socialism which, apparently, were rethought long time ago. Ambiguous reaction to the movie of the audience and fi lm critics, comments in electronic mass media allow to draw a conclusion that process of “the overcoming the past” in modern Germany is still far from end.


Historical memory, historical consciousness, “overcoming the past”, World War II, national socialism, A. Hitler

Irina V. Griban. Ural State Pedagogical University, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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