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The article is devoted to revealing of cognitive and semiotic content of urban advertising names. The author has shown a prominent trend in the ergonomics of Saint- Petersburg in recent years, which is the reactualization of the mythologem “Community”/”State Integrity”. The usage of precedent names mainly personal or emblematic representatives of a certain epoch of Russian community is still in demand. In a nostalgic discourse, as a social emotion, images of the past are evoked to cope with the consequences of cultural changes and lost identity; moreover they can undergo immoderate romantization. Clichéd and retouched images create a combination of a memorized, imaginary and reinterpreted past which seems to be more positive in the retrospect. Advertising discourse oriented at the poetics of a postmodernist game, often and sometimes successfully diminishes this romantization adding some irony though the latter may be provocative. Another tendency of recent years is an unlimited exploitation in the ergonomics of vital images of national identity, in particular of a concept “Russian”. The main features of a concept “Empire” are as follows: historical stability, pretense of being important, supremacy of politics and scale, presence of hierarchy of power and the sacred power of an emperor. Modern advertising discourse reproduces in part essential characteristics of concepts “Community” and “Empire” regarded as standards of unity, greatness, signifi cance, sovereignty, spirit of tradition, fi rmness and stability. Modernity and universality of advertising names, openness to different innovations and fashionable trends allow the names to be looked upon as an irreplaceable instrument of a diagnostics of sociocultural trends and priorities, displaying vital processes for moral and spiritual atmosphere of a modern society which are connected with the idea of a national identity.


Urban studies, Saint-Petersburg, cognitive-semiotic analysis, conсept, advertisement name, ergonym, national identity, sociocultural priorities

Klara I. Sharafadina, Saint-Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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