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This is a publication of a unique bronze jug from the cache of the burial a young woman in a burial mound excavated in 1989 near the Krasny Kut Farmstead on the left bank of the Manych River, dating from the second half of the 2nd – early 3rd century AD. The jug has already been described and discussed several times in the 1990s, so in this article I shall limit myself to the main conclusions and also present new parallels and considerations. The images on both the handle and the body of the jug are associated with the Trojan cycle, a description of the events that took place during the siege of Troy, the death of Achilles and the story of the sacrifice of Polyxena by Neoptolemus at the tomb of his father. If we accept the dating of the jug in question, substantiated here, to the 2nd century AD, and even more to the period of the Marcomannic Wars, it is obvious that there was not a big gap between the time of manufacture of the jug and its deposition in the burial, although there is no need to talk about the connection between the context of the find and the symbolism of the jug – it was hidden in the the cache of the burial of a young Sarmatian woman, probably not its first owner, and the routes along which it penetrated to the nomads in the vicinity of Tanais could have been diff erent, including that via the Cimmerian Bosporus. Compared to other Roman bronze vessels from Sarmatia, the jug in question certainly stands out. It was a piece of high-quality workmanship. It is no coincidence that a jug similar in shape and decorative technique, supposedly found in the Tiber, is considered to be a gift of Emperor.


Lower Don area, Sarmatia, Roman imports, bronze jug, scenes of the Trojan cycle, Achilles, Neoptolemos, Polyxena, iconography.

Mikhail Yu. Treister

Independent Researcher, Bonn, Germany

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